Customized + Effective

Vacuum Excavation

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Customized to Protect Critical Infrastructure

Vacuum excavation is a low-impact, minimally invasive method for obtaining visuals, exact depth measurements, and GPS points of underground utilities. 

High-pressure water or air is used to break up compacted soil, stones, and debris, which are suctioned into a truck's onboard tank for transport and disposal. The stored spoils can also be used as backfill. 

Blood Hound provides both wet and dry vacuum excavation and customizes our service to your jobsite during the design phase of your project for efficiency and lower overall costs. 

Specifically useful in congested areas and effective in frozen soils, vacuum excavation is a versatile solution for preventing damage to critical infrastructure, avoiding project delays, and mitigating safety risks. 

SUE Reduces Project Costs

The most recent Federal Highway Administration study shows that every $1 spent on subsurface utility services yields $4.62 in project cost savings. Blood Hound employs subservice utility engineering during the design phase to customize our vacuum excavation service, which reduces overall project costs due to less downtime driven by change orders and a lower risk of damage to critical infrastructure. 


Customized vacuum excavation service helps you avoid downtime resulting from change orders.


The precision and versatility of our vacuum excavation service protects critical infrastructure from damage.


Obtaining depth measurements for underground utilities keeps your crews and community safe.