Blood Hound uses state-of-the-art robotic cameras to pinpoint integrity issues and hazards in sewer lines without the need to dig. Our highly skilled technicians precisely locate, inspect, and map conduits as small as one inch in diameter, reducing the cost and time required for repairs.
Deliverables include video and maps of laterals that are often privately owned, unmapped, and unlocatable. Identifying the location of cross bores (intersections of underground utilities) prevents serious safety hazards and assures compliance with gas industry and municipal regulations.
Blood Hound technicians are certified in pipeline assessment (PACP®), lateral assessment (LACP®), and manhole assessment (MACP®) by the National Association of Sewer Service Companies (NASSCO).
Our state-of-the-art robotic cameras pinpoint and identify the cause of leaks and integrity issues in underground pipelines without digging. This precise and efficient method saves you time and money on repairs.
This no-dig option for pinpointing issues in sewer lines reduces the time and cost of repairs.
Lateral launch capabilities enhance access, visuals, and ability to pinpoint integrity issues.
Ability to mitigate cross bores via inspection prevents potentially serious safety hazards.